Therapeutic outlets are crucial for veterans as they navigate the complexities of life post-service. Though often overlooked, art therapy such as painting, sculpting, or music can offer solace, healing, and a sense of purpose. For Michael Griffith, a 14-year Army veteran (' 90-'04), learning to play the guitar became not just a new skill to master but a lifeline in his journey toward healing.
Michael's desire to learn the guitar stemmed from a need for a creative outlet, a way to channel his emotions and experiences into something tangible. However, his attempts to join virtual classes through the VA and other avenues were met with frustration due to long waitlists, leaving him feeling disheartened and stuck in his pursuit of this therapeutic outlet. This was when he reached out to Alaska Warrior Partnership (AKWP) for support in this endeavor.
"It's nice to finally have this outlet and be able to connect with other like-minded veterans each week" – Michael Griffith, Army Veteran
After discussing options with Michael, AKWP Case Coordinator Tiana Freeman provided him with a list of options, among which was Rock for Vets—an organization dedicated to providing free music lessons to veterans. With the help of AKWP, Michael swiftly registered for Rock for Vets and was given access to the Zoom link for guitar lessons within days. This small gesture of support reignited Michael's hope and enthusiasm, offering him a much-needed lifeline to connect with his passion for music and embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.
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